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Social Forestry and Community Based Activities

The overall objective of EUCAMP is to ensure effective conservation of forests in the East Usambaras for preservation of biological diversity and promotion of sustainable catchment forestry and land use management for the benefit of local and global communities. The forests in the East Usambaras are surrounded by more than 70 communities with over 100,000 people, who require forest products mainly for domestic use. Thus, involvement of local communities in the management of forests has been given a top priority in the last phase of EUCAMP. Other social forestry activities are conducted to support the management of natural forests by providing alternatives.

Community Based Forest Management
Joint Forest Management (JFM) and Village Forest Management (VFM) have been identified by the National Forest Programme to be the two main lines under community based forest management. Joint forest management is practiced in Government forest reserves, whereas village forest management takes place in village forest reserves (VFR). The management planning and implementation in JFM and VFM follow the same principles.

Each participating village selects a temporary planning team, which will prepare a management plan and a by-law. EUCAMP gives technical assistance to the planning team by facilitating the process. The management plan will set the rules and procedures for the management of the forest and the use of forest products from the reserve, whereas the by-law will define how offenders should be handled. The main responsibility of the overall implementation of the management plan is usually given to a committee (e.g. environmental committee or forest management committee), which is elected by the villagers. The draft management plan and by-law is presented through the village government to the village meeting and after approval they are forwarded through the Ward Development Committee to the District Council for final approval.

Joint forest management of central government catchment forest reserves is tested in two forest reserves, Mtai (3,107 hectares) and Manga (1,635 hectares), which both are in Muheza District. Mtai forest reserve is surrounded by eight villages and Manga by three villages. Each adjacent village is assigned a village forest management area. The forest reserves are also divided into different zones: in the biodiversity and catchment zones main objective is the conservation of resources, while the utilization zone can be used according to the rules of the management plan.

Facilitating the establishment and management planning of village forest reserves is done in collaboration with District Councils. Currently EUCAMP is working with five village forest reserves: Mpanga (24 ha), Handei (156 ha), Kizingata (6 ha) and Kizee (39 ha) in Muheza and Mfundia (786 ha) in Korogwe District. Village forest reserve is usually owned and managed by one village, but it can also have joint management as in the case of Mpanga and Kizee, which both are managed by two adjacent villages. Mfundia is surrounded by five villages, and in the near future it will be divided into four individual reserves; three of them managed by one village and the fourth one managed jointly by two neighboring villages.

Farm Forestry
In order to reduce pressure on the natural forests villagers are assisted in on-farm nursery establishment, tree planting and management, and agroforestry. Farmers are given technical advice and some minor input like tree seeds and polythene tubes. Seedlings are raised by individual farmers, by groups of farmers (women groups and mixed groups), by schools and by other institutions (e.g. churches). For example, in 2001 there were altogether 257 on-farm nurseries in 46 villages having a total of 236,000 tree seedlings and 91,000 seedlings of fruit trees and spices.

Soil Conservation
Many farmers in the East Usambaras have farms on steep slopes. Training on soil conservation measures aims at increasing productivity of the farmland by reducing soil erosion and introducing natural fertilizers like manure. So called training-of-trainers –method is used in this activity, where trained farmers are used as trainers in other villages. Also farmers’ study tours are organized.

Energy Saving Woodstoves
In rural villages wood fuel is the main source of energy and collecting firewood is the task of women and girls. In order to reduce the workload of women and pressure to natural forests, villagers are trained in building, maintaining and using energy saving woodstoves. Most optimistic estimates by local users indicate that these stoves can save energy up to 50%. Some models of stoves are also contributing to the health by taking the smoke outside from the cooking hut.

Fish Farming and Beekeeping
Illegal hunting and fishing, and collecting wild honey by local villagers sometimes take place in forest reserves. Especially hunting and collecting wild honey are serious threats to forests as fire is commonly used in these activities. Fish farming and beekeeping with modern beehives and equipment are introduced as alternatives.

Spices Cultivation
The most valuable cash crop in the East Usambaras is cardamom, which is cultivated under a tree cover. The most preferred site for a cardamom field is in the natural forest. In the establishment of the Amani Nature Reserve and the proposed Derema Forest Reserve, areas of cardamom fields with good tree cover were included in these reserves after agreeing with the villagers. Cultivation of other spices, like black pepper and cinnamon as valuable cash crops to replace cardamom cultivation has been introduced to farmers.

Gender Strategy
The programme is putting a special emphasis on improving the participation of women in forest conservation and engaging them in income generating activities. A detailed gender strategy has been prepared for EUCAMP, and the staff and the villagers are being trained in gender relations.

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